Improving Parachute Packing Efficiency

A T-11 parachute with a green tint to itGreen dashed circle


UX Designer


4 Students
Winter - Summer 2024


The Aerial Delivery & Field Services Department (ADFSD) is a US Army quartermaster school operating out of Fort Gregg-Adams in Virginia. They teach personnel how to pack parachutes that are used by paratroopers to jump out of planes. The process occurs in Army bases throughout the country, is complicated, entirely manual, and has no room for error.

The Brief

ADFSD came to us with a problem: they wanted to improve the efficiency of parachute packing, while maintaining accuracy and workforce numbers. My team focused on tangible, near-term improvements to the parachute packing process, so that bases across the U.S. can produce more parachutes.


Research into the Problem Space

We started with background research, but parachute packing is very complicated and involves many variables. We needed to go to the site and observe firsthand how parachute packers did their jobs. We performed a contextual inquiry at Fort Gregg-Adams, which helped us empathize with our users and reveal key pain points. Based on our findings, we could create insights and actionable areas of opportunity to guide our designs.

Insight 01

Rigger reliance on inspectors is a bottleneck for packing efficiency

Insight 02

Small, inefficient tasks add up throughout the day, wasting time and reducing manpower

icons of 4 riggers


Their job is to pack 15 parachutes a day. There are 4 riggers per 1 inspector. They often have to wait around for inspectors to perform a review.

icon of an inspector wearing a cap


They are experienced packers that patrol pack floors and inspect rigger packs during rigger checks. They have many inspections to perform.

On average, every day there are


Rigger checks

per rigger


Rigger checks

performed by an inspector

Statistics calculated based on data from Fort Gregg Adams

The process has many small steps and rigger checks

Insight 03

The one-size-fits-all process disregards individual ergonomics, resulting in strain and injury

Injury is inevitable

Riggers reported that injury was not an "if", but a "when". Carpal tunnel, back, shoulder and neck strain, or more serious problems came with the job.

Icons of 2 riggers at different heights

Individuals face different physical impacts

Riggers come in different shapes and sizes, but the tables they pack on and the process itself remains the same. Tall riggers have to hunch over the packing tables, while short riggers have to strain themselves to reach across the tables.

Insight 04

Limited variability and collaboration makes work monotonous, impacting morale and job satisfaction

rigger icons bantering and playing music

Packing culture is important

Riggers would "trash talk" and compete with one another to make time pass faster and bond. They would also play music to break up monotony and energize each other. Collaboration was not allowed, however.

Riggers can't quantify the important work they are doing

They pack 15 parachutes a day, every day, which adds up over time. But only daily packs are tracked, so their long term progress is lost.


Finding areas of opportunity

Now that we have identified insights, we can turn them into areas of opportunity. We wanted to balance client needs of accuracy, efficiency, and worker retention.


Rigger reliance on inspectors is a bottleneck for packing efficiency

Streamlining the inspection process will increase rigger efficiency


The one-size-fits-all process disregards individual ergonomics, resulting in strain and injury

A shift towards a more adaptable process can foster a healthier work environment and boost productivity


Limited variability and collaboration makes work monotonous, impacting morale and job satisfaction

We can increase rigger engagement and satisfaction by addressing the monotonous nature of parachute packing


Small, inefficient tasks add up throughout the day, wasting riggers’ time and reducing manpower

By optimizing parts of the parachute packing process, we can free up manpower and improve efficiency

Our guiding principles

Eliminating bottlenecks & improving efficiency

Adapting the process to the individual rigger to improve health

Fostering healthy competition & improving morale

Establishing data collection to optimize packing techniques & create a feedback loop

Final Solution

Smart Table & Hub System

We have designed multiple solutions that work together as a system to streamline the packing process, collect packing data, and improve ergonomics and morale. At the center of our system is the packing table, where riggers pack parachutes.

I created all 3D renders using Blender

The brain

The Hub


Rigger Check Waitlist

We designed a dashboard that can be used by both riggers and inspectors. It is linked to 4 pack tables, the rigger simply chooses which table they prefer. Inspectors can watch the hub to identify incoming rigger checks more clearly.


Personal & Team Stats

Riggers can check their metrics, such as average time per pack, or total lifetime packs, whenever they prefer. They can also compare each other's stats, fostering healthy competition.

Key Improvements

Data Collection

Rigger data, such as pack time or total packs, can be collected. Displaying these stats helps quantify data in ways that are tangible and digestible to riggers

Alleviating Small Tasks

Tasks like filling out the small form on each parachute, or keeping track of tools throughout the day, are eliminated through the use of the hub

Competition & Morale

Healthy competition, banter, and camaraderie are important to riggers, so seeing one another's stats will help support this culture

The core

Smart Table


Height Adjustment

The Smart Table will communicate with the Hub and automatically adjust the height to the rigger's preset position, accommodating different rigger needs.


Conductive Strip & Light Signal

The rigger can call for an inspection by double-tapping a conductive strip underneath the table. The light will turn on and the Hub will display the rigger's order in line. This streamlines the rigger check process by making it easier to tell which rigger called for an inspection.  

Key Improvements

Health & Safety

The table height will be adjusted for each rigger's preferred height to reduce strain. With less riggers harmed when working, more personnel are available to pack


By optimizing working conditions and reducing latency caused by rigger checks, packing efficiency will improve

Data Collection

Time between rigger checks can be tracked, as well as the inspector's performance

A closer look

The Design Process

Secondary Research

First we learned about the basics of parachute packing, then we jumped into analogous domain research.

Traditional Fabric Folding

Large swathes of parachute fabric are folded, so we studied origami and sail making

Inventory Management

We studied Amazon warehouses and IKEA for how they manage large inventories

Compact Packing

The large parachute must be compacted into the small deployment bag. We researched airbags and deployable objects

Automated Fabric Folding

Automated manufacturing for tents and sleeping bags was researched

Primary Research

Next, we drove down to Fort Gregg-Adams to perform a contextual inquiry. This is a great way to empathize with the user you are designing for—by going into their environment and watching them in action. We used the AEIOU method, looking at Activities, Environment, Interactions, Objects, and the User. This process can involve asking questions, taking notes, and silently observing how the user does their task and how they interact with their environment.

Affinity Mapping

We took all of our findings and sorted them into groups based on similarities. From there, we could find common patterns and extract insights.

Some key findings were that there was a high incentive for efficiency—riggers can go home once they successfully complete 15 parachute packs. As a result, balancing efficiency with quality, especially during times of high stress like "push weeks", was very hard.

User Painpoints Map

While creating our insights, we also wanted to make a user journeymap. However, I thought it would be beneficial to map the pain points to each step of the packing process. Different physical stressors and injuries are accrued at different stages, so visualizing them all would help us target pain points better for solutioning.

Journey map with pain points like physical harm, repetition, and tools mapped

The map begins after layout and rigger check (RC) 1

Crazy 8s

Compilation of crazy 8 drawings with two sharpies laying on top

Since we had principles to guide us, we could begin to think of potential solutions. We started with a modified version of “Crazy 8s” where we gave everyone 15 minutes per principle, and they could generate as many as they wanted. We generated 200 ideas, give or take a few.

After sorting them, four main categories developed: ergonomics & physical assistance, workflow automation & tooling, in-process monitoring & data collection, and organizational changes. Now, we could sort the ideas based on how much they satisfied insights and see which categories offered the biggest gains.

Concept Sketches

I wanted to create low-stakes depictions of our four main ideas for concept validation with our client.

A drawing of a parachute pack with messy stowed lines, framed by an error notificationA drawing of a mechanism that can automatically stow parachute lines by pulling them apart at the same timeDrawing of a rigger scanning their RFID wristband on a smart tableA digital low fidelity version of the rigger dashboard

We moved forward with the smart table and rigger dashboard


We made low-fidelity screens of a rigger dashboard that displays personal stats including performance stats, and daily/lifetime packs. There is also a team section that shows leaderboards for that floor or different forts. These stats would be embedded into the pack table so the rigger could view their stats in real-time.

Greyscale dashboard display of a rigger's performance statisticsGreyscale display of leaderboards for pack floors and forts

Usability Testing

A pack table with green lights wrapped around itJenny is interviewing a rigger that is using an i pad dashboard

We designed two testing protocols: one for testing the dashboard, and one for testing the overall flow of the new solution ecosystem. The dashboard user testing involved think-aloud protocol and semi-structured interviews. We wanted to test if riggers understood how to navigate the dashboard, and their understanding and reaction to the displayed metrics. For testing the system flow, we instructed them broadly on how to use the new system, then observed their behavior as they packed with our prototype conductive strip, scanner, lights, and dashboard. After, we asked them questions about the process in a semi-structured interview.

The embedded dashboard would break

We constantly had to move our iPad, i.e the "embedded dashboard", out of the way while riggers worked to avoid damage. Riggers also gave feedback that anything fragile near the pack table would break.

The overall flow was streamlined

Riggers quickly understood the interactions in our new system and liked how quick and easy they were. The conductive strip and light signaling had especially positive feedback.

Constant display of statistics was stressful

Riggers reported the constant display of performance stats like average time was actually discouraging to them. Riggers may get tired throughout the day, so seeing such minute changes would be stressful.

Codesign Session

Inspectors and team members crowd around a table looking at sticky notes

We pulled in inspectors to get their perspective on the dashboard. This is where the idea for an inspector-facing hub was formed. Together, we ideated a centralized dashboard, situated near the pack tables, that helped both riggers and inspectors.

Our Impact


Riggers, inspectors, and our clients at ADFSD had very positive reactions to our designs. User testing showed that both riggers and inspectors could understand our new solution ecosystem. Our clients plan on taking our prototypes to DEVCOM for testing and development. Our users were especially excited about the adjustable smart table, they felt it would truly help alleviate their health problems.

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